The Carnot Label
Created in 2006, the Carnot label aims to develop partnership research, which is to say the conducting of research work carried out by public laboratories in partnership with socio-economic actors, mainly companies (from SMEs to large groups), in response to their needs.
Research for Business Innovation

Partnership research is an important lever for the economy by promoting business innovation, a guarantee of competitiveness and growth.
The Ministry of Research awards the label to Carnot institutes following a highly selective call for applications.
Learn more about the Carnot label and its network
The Ministry of Research awards the label to Carnot institutes following a highly selective call for applications.
Learn more about the Carnot label and its network
Carnot Voir & Entendre Institute

The Carnot label is awarded for a renewable period of five years to public research structures, Carnot institutes. These institutes simultaneously carry out their own research activities to renew their scientific and technological skills, and a proactive policy in terms of partnership research for the benefit of the socio-economic world.
In this respect, the Carnot Voir & Entendre Institute was awarded to the Institute of Vision. A recognition of one of the most important international centers for neurosensory research. Its objective is to accelerate innovation in health products and high technology, by providing solutions to unmet needs of people with pathologies and disabilities affecting the visual and auditory systems.
Learn more about the range of services and technologies offered by Carnot Voir & Entendre.
In this respect, the Carnot Voir & Entendre Institute was awarded to the Institute of Vision. A recognition of one of the most important international centers for neurosensory research. Its objective is to accelerate innovation in health products and high technology, by providing solutions to unmet needs of people with pathologies and disabilities affecting the visual and auditory systems.
Learn more about the range of services and technologies offered by Carnot Voir & Entendre.