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Trio-Vi CoE

Translational Research and Innovation in Ophthalmology - Vision - Centre of Excellence

Three Centers of Excellence cooperating to generate new knowledge and develop new cutting-edge technologies in ophthalmology.

Kate Grieve
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Project duration

6 years

Start :

End :

Project scale

European project

Allocated budget

15 000 000 €

The slogan of TrioVI project claims "The technology that saves vision"


Eye diseases affect the daily lives of 2.2 billion people globally and have a significant socio-economic impact. However, recent advances have rapidly progressed our understanding of the mechanisms of ophthalmic diseases, opening unprecedented opportunities in the field of eye therapeutics. The development of new technologies and health services offers new solutions to improve the quality of life of ophthalmology patients and to reduce the costs and burdens for national healthcare systems.

The TRIO-VI project focus on translating the latest advances in science and technical research into practice in vision care. ICTER together with strategic partners from UCL and the Vision Institute, will create a Centre of excellence – the International Center for Eye Research in Warsaw, a sub-unit of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It will boost the rapidly growing biophotonics and biomedical engineering industry in Poland by introducing new devices in ophthalmology.

As a result of TRIO-VI, we anticipate a considerable improvement in Research, Development and Innovation capabilities in ICHF and ICTER, through enhanced education, training, and integrated skill development for all employee groups, with a focus on excellence, gender equality, and multidisciplinary collaboration.


Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the European Union's framework program for research and innovation for the period 2021-2027. Horizon Europe takes over from Horizon 2020, which ends at the end of 2020.

Project team

Serge Picaud
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Michel Paques MD, PhD
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Grégory Gauvain
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Gaël Orieux
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Kiyoko Gocho
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Sorbonne Université Inserm 15 - 20 Hôpital de la vision Paris