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An implantable biohybrid nerve model towards synaptic deep brain stimulation
Invited by Florian Fallegger, Tobias Ruff, PhD (ETH, University of Zurich, Switzerland), will speak on Thursday October 3…
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Parkinson's treatment could delay progression of one form of AMD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment in people over 50. Improving treatment…
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Modelling rare brain disorders in zebrafish: functional genomics in vivo to assist clinical decisions and unravel druggable pathways
Invited by Filippo Del Bene, Antonella Lauri (Children’s Hospital Bambino Gesù -Rome, Italy), will speak on friday…
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Synapse degeneration and intervention methods
Invited by Jean Livet, Pr Hiroshi Nishimune (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology), will speak…
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Normative theory of functional interactions in primary visual cortex
Invited by Ulisse Ferrari, Pr Ruben Coen-Cagli will speak Friday september 6th at 10 am, in Lusseyran meeting room.
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An afternoon for the planet @IDV
We are delighted to announce an afternoon dedicated to the ecological transition at the Institut de la Vision. As part of…
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A membrane-targeted photoswitch restores physiological retinal processing in the degenerate retina
Invited by Serge Picaud, Fabio Benfenati, PhD (Italian Institute of Technology, University of Genoa, Italy), will speak on…
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José-Alain Sahel, winner of the Wolf Prize for Medicine 2024
The Wolf Prize for Medicine 2024 recognizes the outstanding contributions of Professor Sahel, a pioneer in the field of…
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No REST for the wicked: plasticity for vision restoration
Invited by Serge Picaud, PhD Dmytri Shmal (Italian Institute of Technology, Center for Synaptic Neuroscience and…
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Building a Multimodal Atlas of Vertebrate Development
Invited by Filippo del Bene and Alain Chédotal, Merlin Lange PhD (Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, USA) will speak…
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