Logo Streetlab

Streetlab is a company created by the Institut de la Vision and located in the Quinze-Vingts hospital. It provides training, consulting and evaluation services to companies developing innovative products and services improving autonomy, mobility and quality of life of visually impaired people. Together, the Institut de la Vision and Streetlab want to develop and offer new products and services for disabled people. They are focusing on all the fields where autonomy and accessibility for visually impaired people have to be improved: housing, mobility, access to services and work environment.

Streetlab also offers services at each step of a development project:

  • Co-development of accessible products and\or services providing added value to visually impaired people,
  • Evaluation of the user benefit with visually impaired people based on a human factors methodology,
  • Training to the reality and to the challenges of visual impairment.


Streetlab's technological platforms

illustration streetlab

Streetlab owns its own plateforms to carry out experimentation in virtual, realistic or real conditions:

  • Two simulators: 3D simulators reproducing low vision symptoms and modeling in an urban area and a housing environment.

  • An urban experimental area: the PANAMMES area, set up by the City of Paris in collaboration with the Institut de la Vision and the Paris Public Transport System (RATP), contributes to answer to accessibility regulatory obligations in public places and transport.

  • The Homelab: a 45 meter square apartment reproducing a real living environment and enabling to initiate research and development programs to improve living environment of visually impaired and elderly people.

  • The Artificial Street: an in-door platform offering a realistic immersion in an artificial urban area, allowing experimentations of equipments such as street furniture, electronic devices, public transport services, etc. so as to improve security, positioning, orientation and access to public information and public transport.

If a user evaluation is considered positive by Streetlab, a company developing an innovative product / service may apply for the Vision Institute Label.

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